Lombok, 26-27 October 2020
Contributions are welcome from scientists, lecturers, researchers, engineers, educators, students. Conference Scopes: 1. Natural Science and Science Education; 2. Ocean Literacy In Archipelagic Country; 3. Computer Science and Computer-based learning; 4. STEM Education; 5. Design and implementation of a technology-rich learning environment; 6. Distance learning on science education; 7. Material science and Mechanical Engineering; 8. Applied Science in Agriculture, Food Technology, Animal Husbandry and Feed Technology.
Welcome to the dedicated to building remarkable Speakers!
Prof. Tom Lowre
University of Camberra, Australia
Dr. Oki Muraza
King Fahd University, Saudi Arabia
Prof. Hasan Said Tortop
Istanbul Esenyurt University, Turkey
Dr. Roild Bilad
Petronas University, Malaysia
Dr. Raquel Reapor
Central Bicol State University of Agriculture (CBSUA) Philippines
Prof. Muhammad Sarjan
University of Mataram, Indonesia
Prof. Agil Al Idrus
University of Mataram, Indonesia
Prof. Bambang Hari Kusumo
University of Mataram, Indonesia
Prof. Erin Ryantin Gunawan
University of Mataram, Indonesia
Prof. A Wahab Jufri
University of Mataram, Indonesia
Prof. I Gede Pasek Suta Wijaya
University of Mataram, Indonesia
Dr. Karnan
University of Mataram, Indonesia
Dr. Imam Bachtiar
University of Mataram, Indonesia
Prof. Agus Abhi Purwoko
University of Mataram, Indonesia
Dr. Michiel Veldhuis
Universiteit Utrecth, Belanda
Important Dates
Registration Fee
Abstract Submission End 05 Oktober 2020
Acceptance 06 Oktober 2020
Full Paper Submission End 26 Nopember 2020
Regular Payment 25 Oktober 2020
Conference Dates 26-27 Oktober 2020
Presenter: Rp. 250.000
Participant: Rp. 50.000
IOP Publication Fee: Rp.2.500.000
The 1st ACSET 2020 Publisher Partners
1. Scopus Indexed Journals
2. IOP Proceeding/Scopus Indexed Conference Proceeding
3. Atlantis Press Indexed Conference Proceeding
4. National Accredited Journals
5. National Proceeding